No-Cost Resources to support employer efforts:
Checklist for Designing Specialty Drug Benefits: Key elements to consider when developing, designing or reconsidering your Specialty Pharmacy offering – Includes: Design features and elements, payment structures, contracting and rebate considerations, data integration and other key considerations.
PBM Contract Checklist: This checklist highlights the criteria that should be included in a PBM contract to drive high performance and determine if your vendor/partner is delivering results focusing on Specialty Pharmacy.
Benefit Manager (PBM) Audit Recommendations: This checklist covers the various types of benefit assessments/reviews commonly done and what elements should be included in a pharmacy benefit audit specific to Specialty Pharmacy.
Checklist for Site of Care: This checklist provides guidance to help determine if a site of care strategy is beneficial as you look at your Specialty Pharmacy offering.
Plan Member Education Strategy: For use with employees and members, this employer communications strategy on specialty drugs offers an overview of the tools and resources available, and strategy implementation and measurement ideas.
MBGH 2016 Employer Interviews: MBGH interviewed a number of their employer members who indicated concern about specialty drug cost trends. They believe that if these trends continue, significant changes may need to be made in other areas of their benefits design to offset the impact on their ability to continue to provide high quality and comprehensive employee benefits.